Neuropatie, advice for medicaments or assistance

Alf V. Adeler

Frage gestellt am
21.06.2011 um 11:51

Dear Sir/Madame. We are two brothers from Norway that have got the diagnose of Neuropatie. We feel that the expertise in Norway is rather limited for this sickness, and therefore seek your advice. We are of the age 63 and 65 years, and got the first feelings with the sickness around twenty years ago. Now we feel that our legs are slowly dieing away, and they feel very heavy when we walk. We also sometimes have cramps in our legs, espesially during the night. We daily take vitamine B, B6 and B12, and the elder takes Neurontin every day.
Would Lyrica be a better medicament for us? We are at a stage we feel we must take more action to manage to walk and work normally. Any advice would be of interest.


Geburtsjahr: 1946(65 Jahre)
Geschlecht: männlich
Gewicht: 82,0 kg
Größe: 181,0 cm
Eingetragen durch: Patient
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2 Antworten:


01.08.2011 17:56

the first way is looking for Hba1c in your blood. Are you diabetic- patient ? Do you have problems with alcohol ?

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Benutzer gelöscht?

21.06.2011 16:15

Hello! Please send your Question to "Universitätskliniken des Saarlandes" (UKS GERMANY) ! Under Google Search find you the Webadress from this Institution! Search the Department of Neurology, the cures want to help ! I wish you a nice day!
Sincerely! Sascha

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