Motilium, how long may I take this?

Nina Hanson T…
Benutzerbild von Nina Hanson Tuyel
Frage gestellt am
02.11.2011 um 21:04

I am diagnosed with Morbus Parkinson idiopathic, since July and because of a digestion problem. reflux and gastritis, obstipation, my Neurologist has prescribed in addition to Sifrol, Motilium 10mg 3 times per day (before meals). Recently my bowels have been more active and I have constant urge, although there's often nothing there, and I must pass urine with such an urgency and frequency (I drink lots of water due to how I feel on the Sifrol).

I found a dgestive called "Iberogast" that I began to take in addition to help me digest (Gallbadder was removed just a month before the Parkinsons symptoms began). The side-effects from Sifrol are unfortunate, agitation and fast pulse, heart pounding are some. plus and altered attitude about daily life. My question is just how long and how much Motilium is permitted, and, can the continued use of Iberogast allow me to reduce or quit the Motilium all together?


Geburtsjahr: 1954(57 Jahre)
Geschlecht: weiblich
Gewicht: 70,0 kg
Größe: 170,0 cm
Eingetragen durch: Patient
Bewerten:0xNegative Bewertungen0x Positive Bewertungen
Missbrauch melden


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